Elf is a comprehensive system designed to facilitate access to information.

Releasing the burden and mapping the information in a way that it can be understood by everyone.

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Elf is a comprehensive system designed to facilitate access to information.

Releasing the burden and mapping the information in a way that it can be understood by everyone.


Sweden's Social Insurance Agency provides financial security during various life events, such as illness, parental leave, and unemployment. It offers services like sick leave compensation, child allowances, and housing benefits, ensuring individuals receive necessary support to maintain well-being. The agency aims to create a fair and inclusive system, promoting social stability across Sweden.


First-generation immigrants often face barriers in accessing and understanding their rights within the Swedish governmental framework.



Project Information

10 weeks, Spring 2024

Future of Governments

Umeå Institute of Design




Critical Framing, Service Design & UX


Tianqi Xiong, Tianlong Mu


How might we

Design a system that enhances transparency, visibility, and access to information for first-generation immigrants, facilitating better interaction with government agencies.

New immigrants encounter barriers to accessing and fully understanding their rights within the governmental framework.

Governments exist to enable us to do things together that we can't do alone, and with the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution—characterized by digitization, machine learning, and the fusion of physical and digital realms—we must ask:

“What can the Swedish government do to manage these changes that individual people can’t do by themselves?”

Research Approach

Ethnographic Research: Conducted interviews with 15+ first-generation immigrants to understand their experiences with government services.

Key Insights: (1) The system often feels fragmented, requiring interaction with multiple agencies like Skatteverket, Arbetsförmedlingen, and CSN. (2) Citizens’ understanding of their rights varies widely, leading to a lack of trust and engagement. (3) Government communication struggles to meet diverse language, cultural, and technological needs.

We began with a cultural sensitization workshop, sharing personal experiences with governance and exploring Sweden's system. Through conversations, we uncovered stories and insights about people's relationships with the state. This human-centered approach—meeting people where they are in culturally sensitive and empowering ways—proved vital for meaningful engagement.

Insights from the research

By delving into these personal narratives, we aimed to construct a holistic view of the citizen-government relationship, laying the foundation for meaningful dialogue. We used this data to map out their stories through different stages of life and moments of connection and disconnection.

The design tactic

Our research distilled our findings into the analogy of an iceberg. At the visible tip of the iceberg, we find individuals deeply embedded in Swedish culture, enjoying a nuanced understanding of their rights and privileges. Beneath the surface lie first-generation immigrants, who may encounter barriers to accessing and fully understanding their rights within the governmental framework. We sought to answer the question: How might we design for transparency, visibility, and access for first-generation immigrants?

Alex is a high-school student

Anna is a school teacher

Juan owns a restaurant

Jacob does a part-time job

along with his bachelors studies

Isabelle just had a baby

Raya is looking for a job

Xu just had kids

Joremm is a refugee

Raj moved to Sweden as a child

At the visible tip of the iceberg, we find individuals who are deeply embedded in the fabric of Swedish culture.

Beneath the surface lie the first-generation immigrants. These individuals, while integral to the diversity of Swedish society, may encounter barriers to accessing and fully understanding their rights within the governmental framework.





Study Counsellor












Umeå Kommun





Parental Education

Raya moved to Sweden from Iran

Sickness during work

Sickness during studies

Huang moved to Sweden from Philippines

Huang and Raya are cohabiting partners

They are expecting a child

Raya gives birth to Debbie

The Solution

Elf is a citizen-centric system that serves as a bridge between individuals and government agencies, designed to simplify access to vital information through life stages, changing the power hierarchies between government and their people.

Each interaction as a life event

Elf bridges the gap between citizens, especially first-generation immigrants, and the myriad of government agencies by viewing each interaction as a life event. Each life event contains multiple touchpoints that users are notified about when they update Elf. These life events may be individual, such as sick leave or housing allowance, or intersecting, such as childcare and parental allowance. Elf facilitates these events, making the information visible, transparent, and accessible to every individual.

The main user scenarios can be divided into two showcases of how Elf interact with people through their daily life.

Elf simplifies interactions between citizens—particularly first-generation immigrants—and government agencies by framing them as life events. Each life event, such as sick leave or housing allowance, comprises multiple touchpoints, which Elf organizes and notifies users about as updates occur. For overlapping events, like childcare and parental allowance, Elf seamlessly connects the dots, ensuring information is clear, transparent, and easily accessible for everyone.






Elf lives on all your connected devices as a passive widget, alerting you only when urgent action is needed. At other times, you can activate Elf during your moments of check-in in your life. You control Elf’s presence in your life, deciding how often it appears. Your data remains yours — shared information is used solely to provide you with accurate access and information.


Elf reimagines government services in Sweden to make them more accessible, transparent, and trustworthy, ensuring all citizens—especially first-generation immigrants—can fully exercise their rights. While native Swedes often navigate government systems with relative ease, immigrants face significant barriers, from unfamiliarity with their rights to difficulties finding accurate information.

This disconnect leaves social welfare access reliant on luck or word-of-mouth, underscoring the urgent need for a more inclusive and user-centric approach to public services. Elf challenges the fragmented, siloed structure of current systems by focusing on individuals' life events and stages. This personalized approach redefines inclusion, addressing the complex social contexts and fluid identities that shape each citizen’s experience.

Incorporating participatory design principles, Elf highlights the importance of understanding privilege and power dynamics in the public sector. By engaging communities in a meaningful way, the project fosters equity and inclusion, offering a blueprint for bridging gaps and ensuring all citizens feel seen, supported, and empowered.